Group family sessions - $195 per session
$300 administrative fee applied
*Holiday rate - $80 hour
One-time $300 administrative fee applied
*Holiday rate - $80 / hour
One-time $300 administrative fee applied
*Holiday rate - $55 per hour
Less than 5 hours - $25 for notes - (Holiday rate - $35 for notes)
5 hours or more - $30 for notes - (Holiday rate - $40 for notes)
*One-time $300 administrative fee applied
*Holiday rate $135 per exchange
24 Hours or more - $50 cancellation fee
Less than 24 hour notice - Full visitation fee applied
*Based on Group Benefits Plan, fees for service may be covered under Social Work
*Based on Group Benefits Plan, fees for service may be covered under Social Work
*Based on Group Benefits Plan, fees for service may be covered under Social Work
*Based on Group Benefits Plan, fees for service may be covered under Social Work