GTHA | Durham | Kingston | Ottawa | Saskatoon
GTHA | Durham | Kingston | Ottawa | Saskatoon
Reunification Therapy, also referred to as Reintegration or Reconciliation therapy, is a form of family therapy intended to improve the current difficulties within the family, including those related to the parent-child relationships and contact, parenting and co-parenting. Click the link below to read our reunification therapy description.
Outline of application process for Reunification Therapy through Renew Supervision Services. Click to read about the Reunification Therapy application process.
It is preferable for the parents to enter Reunification Therapy with an agreed to, detailed and unambiguous parenting plan or court order that includes the regular and holiday/special day parenting time schedule.
For families seeking Reunification Therapy, Renew recommends that the process and terms be set forth in a Court Order.